Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Add external library in IntelliJ Idea

In this post we will see how to add an external library in the IntelliJ Idea 2020 IDE.

In IntelliJ 2020 IDE, goto File > Project Structure

A pop-up screen will appear. In the pop-up screen, goto Project Settings > Libraries > '+' > From Maven

Then, search for an external library, say "spark-core".
Select "org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.10:0.9.1"

Click OK.
The following pop-up window will show up temporarily while the libraries get downloaded.

After the download process completes the following pop-up screen will appear.
Select all both the modules.
Click OK.

You will be back to parent pop-up screen.

Click Apply. Then, Click OK.

This should add the external library reference to your project and the external library will appear under the External Libraries node in your project explorer.

That's it! Quite simply done.

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